New Program Approaches
As a part of its mission, CELab cultivates new program ideas that spin out of think-tank deliberation and incubates them to the point of self-sufficiency as their own stand-alone programs. We are also always on the lookout for new approaches to economic development with whom we can partner and connect to communities in need.
Initiated Programs
SoloWorks Centers
CELab has been working for the past decade on how to harness the global trend toward decentralized work into a feasible job creation program. In the past three years, we have had a significant breakthrough with a new program in Grants, NM called SoloWorks. The SoloWorks center concept was conceived at CELab in 2016 as a way to recruit local job-seekers, train them in essential skills and place them with remote, economic base employers.
The CELab conceived the InvestUS program in 2011 and has since launched it into independent operation. The organization is the only fully staffed EB-5 Regional Center in New Mexico and is leading the development of an economic development equity fund specializing in acquiring, structuring and managing of capital destined for deployment in qualified opportunity zones. The company is also established as the New Mexico’s primary agent for Foreign Direct Investment from China.
Allied Programs
Physical Science Research Associates
Founded by physicist, Dr. Anatoliy Glushchenko, Physical Science Research Associates presents curricula for k-12 in math and science that is tailored to better prepare the next generation for the types of work most needed to staff the 21st century economy by means of a broadened approach to learning that goes beyond conventional classrooms.
Circles USA
Founded by Scott Miller, Circles USA is a program missioned to inspire and equip families and communities to thrive and resolve poverty.